+27 10 442 3994 hello@iitech.co.za


Our top notch networking to up-scale your business productivity.


We capture data from your existing network infrustructure or we gather data based on your network business model.


We evaluate the ideal network infrustructure that will suits your business day to day network operationals. 


We designed your network based on your business model.


Once we have designed the network topology perfect for your busness, we’ll implement it to fill up your business needs

System Input

Once your network is up and running, we provide premium support for all of your network operations. 

Report & IT Audit 

We’ll do a comprehensive review of your entire network and find areas of weeakness and recommendations.

We provides high standards of networking skills, championing end to end internet connectivity for various enterprises solutions. we set a blue-print for our clients networks on new emerging telecommunication technologies. We designs,
implement, operates and manages high speed performance, securing networks, delivering business efficiencies, increment performance, end-points satisfaction and
insuring integrity of constant network availability. we are passionate to meet all
customers’ needs and we are very confident to deliver networking services that satisfied our clients most.